
New Leadership for CREF Board of Trustees

04/04/2024 3:58 PM

Ginny Black, long-term CREF Board of Trustees Chair, officially stepped down as the chair. Black will continue serving as a member of the CREF board. She is resigning from CREF chairmanship to better focus on composting leadership in her home state, where Black is also the board chair for the Minnesota Composting Council.

Black has served as the CREF board chair for over a decade, guiding the organization from a relatively latent period to where it is today, with a full-time executive director, dedicated staff, and multiple ongoing programs and projects. Over the years, Black dedicated time, energy, and support to CREF, becoming the face of the Foundation for the compost industry. CREF will continue to grow its impact and outreach due to the care and commitment she gave to the organization.

“The entire organization owes Ginny a debt of gratitude for her long-standing commitment to the organization. Ginny distinguished herself as a judicious steward of our organization and never flinched in the face of difficult decisions and has tirelessly given her time and resources toward building a strong foundation for CREF to excel into the future. Her leadership, perseverance, and dedication have been truly remarkable, and we are all grateful to her for expertly leading and guiding us through the most challenging of times” said Lorrie Rossiter.

Rossiter will be stepping in to fill the board chair role. She has been both a USCC and CREF board member for many years, most recently serving as CREF's Vice Chair. Rossiter brings with her a depth and breadth of skills, talent, and experience. CREF trustees and staff appreciate her accepting this new position with its additional responsibilities and are looking forward to working closely under Rossiter's leadership during a time of growth and transition.

Other board changes include Britt Faucette's departure as an active board member. Faucette was also a long time board member and member of the executive committee. His expertise in the science of compost and composting has been invaluable, which he will continue to share as a CREF advisor. Board members Charles Duprey and Monica Ozores-Hampton will assume the vacated positions of vice chair and secretary respectively, and will join the Executive Committee along with Rossiter, and Jeff Ziegenbein, CREF's treasurer.

This toolkit is designed to help you determine if a compostable plastics program is appropriate for your organization and to guide you in properly managing your compostable plastics.

*Resources outlined in this toolkit are examples from a variety of sources to help facilitate a better understanding of compostable products and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Compost Research and Education Foundation (CREF).

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